The Magic Shop is Mary and Shelby Ulibarri’s ceramics and art studio.
Mary is a professional designer and Shelby is your standard crazy artist person. They are married and have a cat named Loki. They live on Earth in… blah blah etc.
Many years ago, seeking to find a creative pursuit they were both interested in and could do together, they began to explore the vast field of ceramics. Starting as a hobby on their back porch it quickly turned into an all consuming passion. They then decided that since they were going to be doing it anyway, they should start a business out of the magic of making things from earth, water and fire.
When it came to what to call such a venture, an on going joke that Shelby had made about the house they lived in at the time, (which looked like a little shop where one would buy magic items from an old wizard in a video game or fantasy movie) [see photo below] and what they did there (make art, which is magical, duh) seemed like the perfect choice. Thus, like many things in life, something started as a joke and became real. The Magic Shop was born.